
Javier Milei: The Argentine President and His Cloned Dogs – A Tale of Science, Politics, and Unorthodox Beliefs

Javier Milei, Argentina’s president and a libertarian economist, has garnered widespread attention, not just for his political views but for his deep affection towards his pet dogs. His connection with his original dog, Conan, transcended the usual pet-owner relationship. Milei viewed Conan not just as a pet but as a family member, a confidant, and in his words, akin to a son​​​​.

The Science of Canine Cloning

After Conan’s passing, Milei turned to the cutting-edge, yet controversial, field of animal cloning. The process, handled by PerPETuate and ViaGen Pets, involves meticulous scientific procedures. It starts with the collection of cells from the original animal, in this case, Conan, and using these cells to grow a cell line. The fibroblasts from these cells are then used to fertilize an egg, which is implanted into a surrogate mother. Conan’s cloning was remarkable for producing six puppies, a number higher than usual in such procedures​​.


The Ethical Debate Surrounding Pet Cloning

The practice of cloning pets, particularly dogs, raises significant ethical concerns. Experts like Dr. Fabiola Leyton and bioethicist Jessica Pierce have critiqued the process for treating animals as commodities and for the potential harm it causes to surrogate animals. They argue that cloning undermines the individuality and unique identity of animals. Despite these concerns, companies like PerPETuate advocate for the potential benefits of this technology, including the possibility of correcting genetic health issues in pets​​​​.

Milei’s Dogs: From Personal Comfort to Political Symbolism

Milei’s cloned dogs have not only been a source of personal comfort but have also played a symbolic role in his political career. The dogs, named after Milei’s economist idols like Milton Friedman, have been involved in his political campaigns and public appearances. Their presence has sparked both admiration and criticism, reflecting the unconventional and sometimes divisive nature of Milei’s political and personal choices​​.

The Intersection of Personal Beliefs and Politics

Milei’s relationship with his dogs also intersects with his personal beliefs. He has reportedly used mediums to communicate with his dogs and has expressed unconventional ideas about reincarnation and spiritual connections with his pets. These aspects of his personality have become intertwined with his political image, adding a unique dimension to his public persona​​​​.

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